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Kathy Hanson School of Dance members perform a number to Michael Jackson's "Thiller" at the Parkview Hotel's Zombie Fest 2015 in Owego, New York

Click the photo to maximize in browser or view the photos as a full-screen slideshow with the button above.

Advance the photos by clicking the next and previous thumbs above or use your keyboard's forward and reverse keys.

To view the photos as all thumbs, click the link above the photo.

To download the high-resolution file, hold your cursor over the photo and go to the download button when the icon appears at the top left of photo. To download several or all photos at once go to the thumbnail page. Password required for download.

View All Sets of Photos

Note to Parents and Dancers: Don't forget to contact me to let me know that you are interested in participating in my "Dancers Outside the Studio" project. These are photographs of dancers in unusual places like fields, woods, bridges, tunnels, streets, warehouses, old buildings, etc. This is a personal project so you will be able to download the high resolution files at no charge.


Kathy Hanson School of Dance members perform a number to Michael Jackson's "Thiller" at the Parkview Hotel's Zombie Fest 2015 in Owego, New York

Click the photo to maximize in browser or view the photos as a full-screen slideshow with the button above.

Advance the photos by clicking the next and previous thumbs above or use your keyboard's forward and reverse keys.

To view the photos as all thumbs, click the link above the photo.

To download the high-resolution file, hold your cursor over the photo and go to the download button when the icon appears at the top left of photo. To download several or all photos at once go to the thumbnail page. Password required for download.

View All Sets of Photos

Note to Parents and Dancers: Don't forget to contact me to let me know that you are interested in participating in my "Dancers Outside the Studio" project. These are photographs of dancers in unusual places like fields, woods, bridges, tunnels, streets, warehouses, old buildings, etc. This is a personal project so you will be able to download the high resolution files at no charge.